As of Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 at 10:47 AM GMT-4, the price of NVIDIA stock (NVDA) is $1,045.94 USD. This is a 10.16% increase from the opening price of $1,020.28 USD.
Here's some additional information you might find helpful:
- The 52-week range for NVIDIA stock is $298.06 - $974.00.
- NVIDIA's market cap is currently $2.57 trillion USD.
It's important to note that stock prices can fluctuate throughout the day, so the price may be different now than it was earlier. You can find the latest stock price information on various financial websites like CNBC or
Keep in mind that the stock market is closed on weekends, so the next update on the price won't be available until the market opens again on Monday.
Additional Notes:
- This price reflects the pre-market trading and may differ slightly when the market opens.
- You can find more information on financial websites like CNBC or